Coffee Rost and Ground - Café Torrado e Moído - Pilao 17.60oz. (500g) - GLUTEN-FREE - (PACK OF 08) Special Offer
List Price : Price : $49.70
What makes this Coffee Rost and Ground - Café Torrado e Moído - Pilao 17.60oz. (500g) - GLUTEN-FREE - (PACK OF 08) stands out
- 100% Roast and ground coffee harvested and blend in Brazil. Brazilian very fine ground coffee
- Vacuum sealed 17.60 oz pack: no air, no light. Pure freshness. Light bodied and smooth tasting.
- Does not contain gluten
- Disponível em embalagens a vácuo de 250g e 500g
- Não contém glúten
Product Description
Pilão is a full-bodied coffee made with dark roast and very finely ground beans coming from the best planting regions of Brazil. Perfect for the traditional method of coffee brewing or espresso machines.
Vacuum sealed 17.60 oz pack: no air, no light. Pure freshness
Brazilian very fine ground coffee
Light bodied and smooth tasting
100% Roast and ground coffee harvested and blend in Brazil
Does not contain gluten
O café tradicional da Pilão tem um ponto de torra acentuado e um processo de moagem fina e uniforme, que garantem um ótimo rendimento do pó e preservam seu delicado sabor. É perfeito para servir em dia de casa cheia, pois seu sabor tradicional agrada a todo mundo. Pilão, o café forte do Brasil.
Não contém glúten
Disponível em embalagens a vácuo de 250g e 500g
Where to buy Coffee Rost and Ground - Café Torrado e Moído - Pilao 17.60oz. (500g) - GLUTEN-FREE - (PACK OF 08) with lowest price
I have search many giat retails and online shop and I Found the lowest price in Amazon. There is special offer and big discount there today. I'm afraid if this price just for limited time and units. Click below to check and buy it now before too late
Coffee Rost and Ground - Café Torrado e Moído - Pilao 17.60oz. (500g) - GLUTEN-FREE - (PACK OF 08) Reviews
Brazilian Rocket-Fuel, January 16, 2013 By MrsMackey "LMM" (Missouri, USA) - See all my reviews This review is from: Coffee Rost and Ground - Caf� Torrado e Mo�do - Pilao 17.60oz. (500g) - GLUTEN-FREE - (PACK OF 16) (Misc.) My husband was gifted a pack of Pilao coffee by his Brazilian Jiu Jitsu instructor- and we absolutely cannot live without it now. Bold & nicely balanced yet never bitter or burnt tasting-even when brewed with an extra scoop for a strong pot. I cannot tell you how many people have drank our coffee and are now devout followers. Try it once and you will start ordering in in 10-20 packs like we do! No lie...this coffee is seriously that good.
coffee, December 25, 2012 Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Coffee Rost and Ground - Caf� Torrado e Mo�do - Pilao 17.60oz. (500g) - GLUTEN-FREE - (PACK OF 04) (Misc.) my husband loves the flavor and consistence of this brand of coffee. yes he would have me purchase it again
Love it, December 11, 2012 By Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Coffee Rost and Ground - Caf� Torrado e Mo�do - Pilao 17.60oz. (500g) - GLUTEN-FREE - (PACK OF 04) (Misc.) I am Brazilian and live in the USA for over 9 years now and love the ideia of having a way to buy Brazilian coffee here, it is very strong just the way i love it.
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By MrsMackey "LMM" (Missouri, USA) - See all my reviews This review is from: Coffee Rost and Ground - Caf� Torrado e Mo�do - Pilao 17.60oz. (500g) - GLUTEN-FREE - (PACK OF 16) (Misc.) My husband was gifted a pack of Pilao coffee by his Brazilian Jiu Jitsu instructor- and we absolutely cannot live without it now. Bold & nicely balanced yet never bitter or burnt tasting-even when brewed with an extra scoop for a strong pot. I cannot tell you how many people have drank our coffee and are now devout followers. Try it once and you will start ordering in in 10-20 packs like we do! No lie...this coffee is seriously that good. Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Coffee Rost and Ground - Caf� Torrado e Mo�do - Pilao 17.60oz. (500g) - GLUTEN-FREE - (PACK OF 04) (Misc.) my husband loves the flavor and consistence of this brand of coffee. yes he would have me purchase it again By Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Coffee Rost and Ground - Caf� Torrado e Mo�do - Pilao 17.60oz. (500g) - GLUTEN-FREE - (PACK OF 04) (Misc.) I am Brazilian and live in the USA for over 9 years now and love the ideia of having a way to buy Brazilian coffee here, it is very strong just the way i love it. |
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